july 20th, 2023

blog post #11

tequila is back! sorry for the little hiatus, it has been quite the time. but, i am finally back home, typing from my comfy little bed, listening to my history podcasts. life is as it should be. my trip was exhausting - not a vacation, a duty trip. (i think i have said this in a previous blog post.) caring for family - though not a chore at all! - can be very tiring, and adjusting to different timezones constantly is throwing my poor biology through a loop.

my mum and i have been at one another's throats this week after being stuck together in a tiny apartment in australia. however, the pleasant news is that i am finally free of this and have been spending time with my people again. excalibur and i hung out on monday - both of us at our wits' ends from family trips. he bought us tickets to asteriod city and IT FUCKING SLAPS. so good. absolutely delightful. the next day, i spent time with my lovely, lovely sput. she and i got our delicious grocery store salads, starbucks drinks, and sat in my garden and shared songs together. i love her. my beautiful wife.

i need a new code name...let's go with elf. elf came over also last night and we watched oliver and co - which is, without a doubt, one of the finest disney movies to ever be snubbed - and snuggled and sent our poor friends voicememos of meowing. you can take the cat out of tequila- okay that just sounds gross. leave it there, eh?

i'm going to set up a little quote page, me thinks! it'll be nice and silly. missed you all and i'm glad to be back and blogging!!

lots of love,

tequila xx

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